Friday, May 18, 2007

... and another one

Don't phrase as a command when a suggestion will do.

I had a hard time with the "suggestion", I wanted to use "invitation", or "request". Oh well. Bottom line, I really dislike it when people try to boss me around. I see it even in church! "Sit down!", "Stand up!". Just rubs me the wrong way. I could say much more about this, but I think you get the point.



random cerebrations is right! pls keep posting!

Katherine said...

Point gotten. Hmm...there IS much more to say about that....just curious about what event triggered your comment.

Pennies said...

I guess programming has made me a lot more aware of you exactly one phrases things. The computer is _very_ picky with the wording. When I hear things I tend to not only hear what people are telling me anymore, but the way things are said. Well, not all the time, but a lot more often. One of those things that I have noticed is that a lot of people seem to be giving me orders more than inviting me, or suggesting something. That, well, rubs me wrong. I know many of them are not conscious of how they phrased thing, so I try to not get too upset. In short, there hasn't been a specific event, it's just a bunch of little every day things.